Member-only story
What makes me angry?
Oh so many things
One thing that makes me angry is the prominent place that climate denial and delay have taken in the British media. Despite most of the world’s governments now agreeing the seriousness of the crisis, if you watched British news you’d be forgiven for thinking there was any problem, or that we need not worry because magical technological fixes are around the corner. Our burning planet barely warrants a mention, even now.
Another thing is the widespread denial that the wealthy might lie to us to maintain or increase their wealth. If you challenge this position you get mocked or discredited; if you actually back up your claim with evidence you get ignored.
I’m angry that there is no integrity in British Government anymore. We’re run by self-serving liars and bullshitters, who enter government to line their pockets and to line-up future careers. The veneer of caring is so thin to be practically see-through, yet we reward them by turning a blind eye and repeatedly voting them into power, doffing our caps whilst we convince ourselves that they have our best interests at heart.
I’m angry that we are an unequal and unfair society that markets itself as a progressive, forward-thinking nation. I’m angry that we put conditions on our fairness; that we have to “help those at home first”, or that someone could be the wrong kind of migrant. As if anyone should have to earn fairness and equity.
I could go on.